Monday, 5 June 2017

Day 60 - Sony Vegas - English Project (27) - Finishing some things up

What I did:
Today, I finished the animations and went back to add sound effects to a few things. This was a really big task but it was worth it because I got a lot of stuff done. I made the rest of the story in Sony Vegas and I added the explosion and gunshot sound effects. Other than that, there wasn't much to do but I wrapped up the story and I tried to get in as many of the things I could. Now, the only things I have left to do are audio and refining. 

What I learned:
Today, I learned about the audio track. I tried to place gunshot sounds and explosion sounds in them but it turns out i had the "solo" option off which makes it not sound anything and the audio track turns black. It took me a while to figure out what was wrong but I messed around with the layer settings and finally figured it out. So if you're not in "solo" mode, the audio track will be silent. I have no idea how I got there but it really was a new thing that I learned that will be helpful in the future. 

What I plan to learn tomorrow:
Tomorrow, I plan to add the rest of the commentary. I am a perfectionist so hopefully, it won't take that long to add commentary but I know I'm going to be tempted after every screw-up. My goal for tomorrow's class is to learn something new about audio, hopefully how to distort it and everything because I could use that in the future for videos and make them funny. That is my goal for tomorrow's class.

Time: 3 1/2 hours 

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